Fertoz strives to improve the health of our soils and its ability to sequester carbon through adoption of sustainable, carbon neutral, and environmentally friendly practices that ensure long term soil fertility, promote soil bio-diversity, enhance crop production, and reduce carbon emissions.

Environment, Social, and Governance
Through the responsible use of earth’s natural minerals, Fertoz safely delivers products that enrich soils, feed the growing population, and contribute to the improvement of the global climate. We have developed and adapted a comprehensive Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) policy framework that commits to the following key performance indicators.
We ensure the health, safety, and well-being of our staff by seeking local community focused employment around our operations, supplying and enforcing protective equipment and protocols, and by maintaining a communicable human resources sector.
Our operations are transparent and our products are fully traceable from mining, to processing, to retail. Our organic certifications and audits ensure that our record keeping, documentation and protocols are compliant and functional. We employ third parting testing, trialing and quality control services to ensure our products meet specification requirements, and perform optimally in the field.
At Fertoz, we understand that there isn’t a “one size fits all” product for all regions, soil types and cropping systems. Fertoz offers various product blends that are suitable for all crops and soil types. Many farming operations also utilize specialized equipment that require various forms of our fertilizer available in powder, granular and pelletized.
Environmental Stewardship
Our mining process is unobtrusive, creating minimal environmental disturbance and involves reclamation, revegetation, and reforestation. Local environmental impact assessments are completed before all mining activity is started to minimize environmental risks and again after reclamation to ensure each site is restored to its former state over time.
Carbon Sequestration and Emissions Reductions
Fertoz understands the importance of vegetation on carbon emission reduction and sequestration.
To maintain a low carbon footprint, further benefit the environment, and improve the regional social landscape, Fertoz is focused on the development of reforestation projects within SE Asia amongst other locations with the aim of restoring degraded land that was formerly forested. These restoration initiatives benefit regional societies and economies by providing local employment, carbon credit income, improved resource development, cleaner air, water and more natural landscapes.
In addition to reforestation, there is a growing concern around high carbon emissions from agriculture and effect on climate change. Improving soil management practices to a more holistic and sustainable approach gives the soil opportunity to become a sink for CO2. Choosing fertilizers that reduce CO2 emissions minimize agricultural impacts on the environment. Fertoz Rock Phosphate is simply crushed, screened, granulated and transported, releasing significantly less CO2 into the atmosphere compared to conventional phosphate fertilizers, and promoting better carbon sequestration through its use for crop development. Additionally, Fertoz phosphate does not generate waste in the form of gypsum stacks, radioactive waste (radon) which are difficult to dispose of and allow the movement of waste and radionuclides to soil and groundwater.
While synthetic fertilizers contribute to water pollution, Fertoz rock phosphate provides a water solution. Chemically processed phosphate fertilizers are subject to leaching and runoff proving to be one of the leading causes of eutrophication in aquatic ecosystems. Fertoz rock phosphate application as an alternative ensures the abundance of soil phosphorus in its most stable form, greatly reducing runoff and leaching and mitigating environmental impacts to nearby lakes and streams.
Fertoz Phosphate is an Organically Approved Input
Fertoz products are widely used in conventional, regenerative, and sustainable agricultural ecosystems. Additionally, our rock phosphate is approved for use in organic production systems through multiple agencies and jurisdictions, including:
- OMRI approved in Canada and the U.S
- Pro-Cert approved in Canada and the U.S
- Registered in various states throughout the U.S including Oregon and Texas
- Organic approved in Washington through the Washington Department of Agriculture (WSDA)
- Organic approved in California through the California Department of Agriculture (CDFA)
- Recognized as an organic approved input by various other organic certification bodies.