Features and Benefits
Locally sourced and manufactured across North America
Cost effective, reliable supply supporting local communities.
Organically certified
For use in organic, regenerative, and conventional farming
Extended Availability
Provides consistent supply over entire crop cycle whilst building soil P2O5 reserves for the following seasons.
Naturally Present Minerals
Calcium and Silica to improve crop health, moisture stress and plant defense against pests and disease.
Free of Soil Damaging Salts
Salt index <7 versus chemical fertilizers which are >30. Seed safe.
Better Soil Tilth and Health
Enhanced microbial health and populations for feeding plants more effectively.
Reduced Losses
Significantly reduced leaching and run off into waterways due to extended release of nutrients.
Competitive Pricing
Locally mined, manufactured without the necessity for billion dollar facilities to ‘beneficiate’ the product.
Environmentally Sound
95% efficiency use of rock phosphate as a natural resource compared with synthetically enhanced phosphates which have a 1:4 ratio of use – for every 4 tons of rock phosphate processed, only 1 ton is utilized while the remaining 3 tons end up as radioactive stockpiles across the countries of manufacturing.
Detailed Benefits of Rock Phosphate
High Analysis
Contains more than 20% total phosphate (P2O5), one of the most important and abundantly required nutrients for crop production along with nitrogen, potassium and sulfur. Approximately 7% of the phosphate from Fertoz is in the available form, with continual availability throughout the season and over multiple years becoming available from the 20% total.
With approximately 30% calcium, Fertoz Phosphate helps to maintain soil chemical and pH balance, reduce soil salinity, builds soil structure and porosity, and improves water penetration. Calcium is also very important for plant growth, cell wall vigor, and defense against pathogens and heat stress.
The high silica content which helps to maintain mineral balance and nutrient uptake and improves plant defense against biotic and abiotic stresses including pathogens, drought, and lodging.
Sustainable, Regenerative, and Organic Approved
Approved for use in organic production systems in Canada (Pro-Cert and OMRI), USA (OMRI and Pro-Cert), California (CDFA), Washington (WSDA), Oregon (ODA).
Fertoz Phosphate is a sustainable fertilizer source. It provides immediate phosphorus to the crop when applied and prolonged release throughout the growing season. Because the phosphorus exists in its natural form and isn’t highly soluble and not subject to leaching and runoff like synthetic phosphate fertilizers, it stays in the soil, and continues to become available over multiple years under the right soil conditions and when the crop requires. With synthetic fertilizers, it has been widely shown that only 10 to 30% of the P is recovered by the plant in the first year of application, depending on soil type and conditions, the crop grown and application method. The remainder binds to other soil minerals, or if it remains in the water soluble form may leach from the soil.
The environment benefits from the use of rock phosphate instead of synthetic phosphate fertilizers due to less leaching and runoff into nearby streams and aquifers, resulting in less eutrophication. The production process of synthetic fertilizer also generates high carbon emissions, results in the accumulation of gypsum stacks; both of which are detrimental to air quality, compile waste in the soil, and affect the health of neighbouring communities.
Regenerative crop production involves alternative farming practices that are sustainable and eco-friendly. It aims to reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, and use more natural methods such as crop rotation, cover crops, natural fertilizers, grazing, etc.
Fertoz Rock Phosphate is commonly used by producers who believe in these holistic farm management approaches.
Safely Replenishes the Soil
Salinity and acidity provide major environmental issues limiting soil health, biodiversity, and productivity of crops. Synthetic fertilizers increase the salinity (often as nitrates or sulfates) and acidity to the soil. Rock phosphate has a more neutral pH which doesn’t affect the acidity of the soil. Replacing synthetic phosphate with Fertoz product brings the soil back into a neutral states which is beneficial for other nutrients and soil microorganisms. The salt content of rock phosphate is very low compared to other fertilizers and should be used on saline sources as an alternative.
Unlike synthetic phosphate fertilizers, rock phosphate does not burn the seed when applied at higher volumes. Application of synthetic phosphate fertilizers in excessive rates can be toxic to the soil environment and burn seed, roots or shoot tissue depending on application method.
These factors, plus the nutrient and mineral content of rock phosphate promote soil tilth and health, and is beneficial to soil microbes which is responsible for building up soil organic matter and cycling plant nutrients back into the soil. A nutrient rich soil improves crop production and yields.
Custom and Specialized Products
Available as a powder for broad acre application using a lime spreader or Valmar, or to blend with other important soil amendments for field, horticulture, garden and greenhouse applications.
Granulated product (240 sgn) is available to producers using air spreaders, spin spreaders or seeders to apply their fertilizer, and also suitable for other applications. Granulated 120 sgn is available for grass and turf.
Rock phosphate can be used for liquid suspensions using our micronized (325 mesh) product when blended with an acidic agent such as citric acid.
Pelleted products available for ease of use with inclusions of litter (nitrogen), potassium, sulfur and other elements on request.
Functional on Most Soils and Crops
Rock phosphate is most available in slightly acidic to neutral soils that allow for maximum availability of phosphorus. In acidic (low pH) soils phosphorus is bound by iron and aluminum and in alkaline (high pH) soils phosphorus is bound by calcium. Add amendments that buffer soil pH for optimum phosphorus availability. Sulphur reduces pH and enhances phosphate release in higher pH soils and lime or gypsum can be used to buffer high acidic soils.
Canola research has repeatedly shown that rock phosphate is a highly efficient user of rock phosphate. Rapeseed crops modify the root environment through root exudates for dissolution and favourable uptake of phosphate in all soil pH environments.
While our rock phosphate works well on field crops (wheat, canola, soybean, barley), it is also beneficial on crop types with longer cycles such as perennials, legumes, and orchids due to its extended availability of phosphorus.
Phosphorus is important for many functions in the plant cell, one of them being transformation of energy in root nodules which is very important in legumes to improve nitrogen fixation rendering more nitrogen available in the soil for the cereal or alternate crop grown. Alternatively, legumes fix nitrogen to provide available nitrogen to the plant and improve soil microbe activity, improving uptake of phosphorus and other nutrients.
Apply rock phosphate in the fall or early spring before seeding to maximize phosphorus availability. Early application allows the product to be exposed to soil conditions such as higher moisture levels, microbes, organic matter, and other plant exudates in the soil.
Competitive Pricing
Fertoz strives to provide a high quality product in a cost effective manner to our customers. This is made possible through our local sourcing of phosphate to avoid high logistics costs associated with importation. We are also able to process with limited capital investments in comparison to conventional fertilizer manufacturers and recover 95% of the product versus 25% for many production facilities.
Not all rock phosphate is created equal.
Not all rock phosphate is created equal when it comes to total amounts of available phosphate, heavy metals content (organic certification) or additional nutrients. Fertoz has strategically acquired the highest quality rock phosphate deposits across North America in order to deliver the best quality benefits to its customers. This rock phosphate forms the basis for all of our sustainable fertilizer products, such as Fertify™ which include organic sources of nitrogen, potassium, sulfur and other custom blend options.
Fertoz has also taken steps to speed up the availability of phosphorous to the plant by grinding to finer mesh sizes for better release to the soil, included additional elements to help unlock phosphorous from positively charged elements like calcium, iron and magnesium as well as acidifying agents such as sulfur and humates to breakdown the rock phosphate. These steps ensure that growers get timely delivery of phosphorous as required by the crop.
The Phosphate Market
- 70% of known global reserves exist in Morocco and Western Sahara, the latter region being aggressively contested with Algeria in 2023.
- China is the largest producer of phosphate at 85 million metric tons (MT) with Morocco (38 million) growing rapidly, followed by the USA (22 million), Russia (14 million), Jordan (9.2 million) and Saudi Arabia (8.5 million)* Reference: Investing News.
- China blocked all exports of phosphate in 2022 due to classification as a precious resource required for the country’s agricultural demands and lithium iron phosphate batteries demand. Russia and Belarus remain relatively blocked from export trade while overall logistics costs continue to rise for product exported into North America.